Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Back & Ready to stay!

Hello internet, I have neglected you for a while #fulltimecollegestudent. However, I am back to my little corner on the net and I am quite excited. 

When I first started this blog almost 3 years ago it was intended for me to share awkward stories of my life,when I realized my life isn't as awkward as I thought (still awkward at times) I thought I would change things up a little bit,but I still want to be consistent with my original plans of this blog sharing stories, quotes,and music. 

I started out with the goal to share a positive quote every Tuesday, because when I started this blog Tuesday always felt worse than Monday and it was a way for me to feel some hope to make it through the day and the rest of my week. Needless to say Q for You Tuesday will be a thing that continues. I also plan on continuing with posting about music on Thursdays because I believe that music can be powerful and allow a lot of emotions to be explored. Other days Monday, Wednesday, and Friday's will be filled with other fun stuff (lifestyle related) 
I am so excited to be back and posting weekly. 

P.S. If you would like to see what else I'm up to feel free to check twitter or Instagram


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