Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Where MY Heart Is

That moment when you don't know what you want to do with your life. We all know that moment at some point or another in life and I truly think its scary. Okay,call me a chicken it's scary. 

As I am approaching my associates degree I sat and wondered 'What am I going to major in?" I have always wanted to be a teacher,yet I want to be a lawyer as well. What's a girl have to do? 
Thank you Melinda for pointing out that it is okay not to rush into something I am not sure of and suggesting I try different things out. So that is the plan. Follow my heart,but finding where my heart lies. 
With that advice I hit up Pinterest for quotes to prove this point and have a couple reminders on the way.

Follow your heart!!! Screw what everybody else says!!!

Follow Your Heart

So that is what I am going to do. Wish me luck! 


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